What is Dengue?

Dengue is a mosquito borne infection, spread by the Aedis Egypti mosquito, which carries the dengue virus

Dengue – Cause

Dengue – Symptoms

How is dengue diagnosed?

Your doctor would clinically suspect dengue based on your recent history, signs and symptoms.
However, a confirmatory diagnosis of dengue can be obtained only through specific lab tests

What is the treatment of dengue?

There is no specific drug or medicine that cures dengue. The infection needs supportive treatment & needs medical attention to ensure complications do not arise. However, if any dengue related complications happen in a patient, the relevant clinical specialist will need to intervene.
Drink a lot of water. Stay hydrated have a balanced diet and take adequate rest. Take medicines for fever and pain as prescribed by your doctor

How can dengue be prevented?

Use mosquito repellents for your rooms.
Use mosquito repellent creams.
Wear clothes with full sleeves.
Keep surroundings clean.
Preventing the pooling of stagnated water in the surroundings.
Use of mosquito nets and optimum well functional doors and windows that can prevent mosquito entry.


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